Which Coverage Level Is Best? You get to choose how much coverage you need and how you want to pay for it. When you choose your coverage level, you get to pick the one with the features you want. Your coverage level determines how much you pay out of your paycheck (premiums). It also determines how much you pay out of your pocket when you receive care. Make sure to take your total costs into consideration when choosing a coverage level. Don’t let the names of the coverage levels fool you. One option isn’t better than another. The coverage levels are designed to give you choices. It’s up to you to find the one that makes sense for your situation. Vision Coverage Level Options Bronze Silver Gold In-Network Benefits Routine vision exam (once per plan year) Covered 100% You pay $20 You pay $10 Frames (once per plan year) Discount may apply $130 allowance1 $200 allowance1 Lenses (once per plan year; premium lenses may cost more) Single vision Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Bifocal Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Trifocal Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Standard Progressive2 Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Lenticular Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Lens Enhancements UV treatment Discount may apply Varies by carrier Varies by carrier Tint (solid and gradient) Discount may apply Varies by carrier Varies by carrier Standard plastic scratch-resistant coating Discount may apply Varies by carrier Varies by carrier Standard anti-reflective coating Discount may apply Varies by carrier Varies by carrier Standard polycarbonate (adults) Discount may apply Varies by carrier Varies by carrier Standard polycarbonate (children) Discount may apply You pay nothing You pay nothing Other add-ons Discount may apply Discount only Discount only Contact Lenses Medically necessary Not covered You pay $20 You pay $10 Elective Not covered $130 allowance1 $200 allowance1 Fit and evaluation Discount may apply You pay $20 You pay $10 Laser Surgery Elective 15% off regular price or 5% off promotional price 15% off regular price or 5% off promotional price 15% off regular price or 5% off promotional price Back to top